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We love everything chicken and are always on the lookout for new items to offer. Beautiful yard and home decorations, kitchen accessories, figurines and more.
Everything from the Chicken itself to Chicken themed Miniature Gardens, Chicken and Rooster Themed Home and Yard Art - you are sure to find something that tickles your fancy. Shop online or stop by the farm to pick up a Chicken Miniature Garden or a beautiful flowering topiary. You may even find yourself going home with one of our cuddly little Silkie Chicks, complete with a coop and the Premium Organic Feed Mix to spoil them from day one. And you wouldn't be the first one getting Chicken Stricken.
We love everything chicken and are always on the lookout for new items to offer. Beautiful yard and home decorations, kitchen accessories, figurines and more.
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Yep, I admit it - we are seriously into our chickens. Buy Goodies such as meal worms, natural herbs, Chicken Emergency Medical Kits, Coops or anything else you can think of to spoil your feather butts rotten right here.
Today, we sell plants, hatching eggs and gift items on the farm and our Chicken themed gift shop online. The ever growing enthusiasm for Backyard Chickens has us expanding our gift selection as more and more Chicken Fans want to decorate their homes and gardens with Chicken and Rooster Themed Decor. We are more than glad to oblige, because we know from experience - once you are Chicken Stricken there is just no going back