
FDR Roosevelt Rooster Giclee Wall Art

Was: $17.49
Now: $14.99
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This Rooster canvas art print is impressive indeed. Carefully rendered, this classic bird is sure to be a hit, not only in the kitchen, but many other places in your home. And with a name like Franklin Delano Roostervelt, he won't be forgotten anytime soon! Darren Gygi Home Collection Giclee Wall Art

Proudly made in the USA these Art Prints are made with a quality, heavy frame and come ready to hang or display on a shelf. Dimensions of this print  are 5"L x5"W x1"H

Also available in 9"x9" - $34.50, 14"x14" - $59.49, 20"x20" - $94.50, 48"x48" - $359.50, contact us for availability and to special order.